Help veterans transform Post Traumatic Stress into Post Traumatic Growth
This money will sponsor healing for veterans in 2023
$112,984 raised
$175,000 goal
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
We are fundraising to help 70 Veterans heal in 2023
When Harry showed up at his HOOVES retreat he was suffering from flashbacks, night terrors and insomnia. His combat experiences left him anxious and depressed. He needed a great deal of support to regain control of his life. Harry sent us a message after his retreat saying that he had not had a flashback or night terror since his retreat and that suicide was no longer and option for him. He is on a great path to rebuilding his life and even wants to return as a mentor for other veterans in 2021.
With your gift today of $25, $50 - or whatever you're inspired to give - you can give veteran's like Harry the support they need to heal.
Right now, there are so many veterans suffering. This has been an extremely difficult year. As needs have increased, donations have dropped - and our resources stretched to the limit.
Veterans need your help now more than ever. Please join us with your gift today. Your kindness will provide struggling veterans with the healing and support they've suffered too long without.
On behalf of the veterans who will be saved by your generosity, thank you so much.
With gratitiude,
Amanda Held, Founder & Director
$25 - Provides 30 min of healing $50 - Provides 1 hour of healing $250 - Provides 1/2 day of healing $625 - Provides a full day of healing $2,500 - Sponsors a veteran through an entire retreat