Donate today to help a homeless veteran image

Donate today to help a homeless veteran

You can help a homeless veteran by sponsoring one or more of these items

$4,030 raised

$20,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

We are fundraising to help our homeless veterans

The following supplies can be dropped off at any Yark Dealership or you can make a monetary donation through this campaign to support the purchase of these items. (New items only please)

Toilet Paper

Antibacterial Hand Soap

Dishwashing Liquid

Detergent for washing clothing

Fabric Softener for drying clothing

Washcloths (facial) (New)

Dishtowels (New)


Cleaning Agents (counter tops, floors, toilets, bathtubs)

Shower Curtain & Hooks (New)

Toilet Bowl Brush


Soap Dish (for hand soap)

Trash Bags (Medium)

Trash Bags (Large/Tall)

Shampoo (Full Size)

Conditioner (Full Size)

Body Lotion (Full Size)

Bar Soap (Full Size)

Shaving Crème

Disposable Razors

Dental Floss


Kitchen Utensils (New)

Combs-Hair (New)

Pics-Hair (New)

Hair Brush (New)




Laundry Baskets

You may be thinking…..Homeless people would not use these items……this is true….the good news is that our Veterans are not going into shelters for very long-usually 30-90 days. Some Veterans are diverted to VA Funded Agencies that pay for families to go into hotels, until we can house them. Other Veterans will stay with family members or friends, while we assist them with securing housing. With this, our Veterans’ greatest needs are those items that cannot be purchased with food stamps….thus our list of donations!

Additionally, The HOOVES organization would like to provide equine healing services for homeless veterans to help them emotionally as they get back on their feet. Every $50 donation will provide one hour of healing for a homeless veteran.